

In the past ~15,000 years, humans have undergone a collapse in form. This likely includes yourself or those around you. Once you see this collapsed form, you cannot un-see it. In that way, the information on this page is an information-hazard. Please proceed with caution, and review the disclaimer.
Whole Body Breathing is a theory which aims to understand and correct the physical, emotional, and esoteric distortions in humans.
The following video is a general overview of the symptoms of collapse and results from Whole Body Breathing:
Video preview
Please review the disclaimer before proceeding

Section 0: Project Information

Section 0: Information about the Project
Framework of the Project
You are reading the 7th public version of this project, each time enhanced with more information and making it easier for you to understand, digest, use, share, engage, and collaborate. This is what is going on:
  1. WholeBodyBreathing.com is the landing page which features a quick introduction and shows all of the written testimonials received. This is a good entry point for those completely new.
  1. WholeBodyBreathing.com/community is the discussion forums page
  1. WholeBodyBreathing.com/learn is the current page, which will be the central jumping off point for all information.
    1. Section 1 is about collapse, Section 2 is correction methods, Section 3 is Whole Body Breathing
    2. Whole Body Breathing (Section 3) is split into 3 Modules: 1) Introduction 2)Physical 3)Esoteric
    3. Under each section/module are discussions related to that section/module
    4. Some pages have a forum added to the bottom of the page. This is an embed of a thread from the community forum
    5. There is a search function at the top of every /learn page, as well as in the /community
    6. The project is updated often. In order to see what is new since your last visit, consult the Change Log
  1. Public Group Classes + Group Chats, Practitioners, Social Media Channels, Newsletter and Book are all important parts of the project and are explained in the toggles below.
Public Group Classes + Group Chats
Group Classes are held sporadically. Use the group chats below to get notifications (You can join one or many).
Add your best times here
Use Google Chat (Apple)(Android)(Web) and send a message to admin@wholebodybreathing.com
Join the Discord Announcements Server (Click here)
You do not need to finish the sections/modules before joining the classes
Some classes are myself teaching discussion topics, ending with QA and Meditations. Other Classes are QA and Meditation only.
Whole Body Breathing is creating and growing a list of practitioners
Social Media Channels

Section 1: Collapse and Correction

Section 1: Collapse and Correction
The physical and mental form of humans has collapsed in the past 15,000 years. Many methods have been developed for correcting the collapse, some aware of its totality while others dealing with individual aspects. Some methods are new while others are very ancient.
Symptoms/Causes in 1.1 and Correction Methods in 1.2 are interlinked internally.
Notation is given at the top of each correction method to describe how/if it fits with Whole Body Breathing.
1.1 Symptoms and Causes
1.2 Correction Methods

Section 2: Whole Body Breathing

Section 2: Whole Body Breathing
Simple Explanation of WBB
Whole Body Breathing (WBB)
Your body has good and bad tension in it.
Good tension gives good posture, good movement, good emotions, and good breathing
Bad tension gives bad posture, bad movement, bad emotions, and bad breathing
When the body has built good tension and released bad tension, it has Healthy Tensegrity
Unhealthy Tensegrity
Unhealthy/Unattractive Body+Face
Crooked Teeth, Poor Bite, TMD
Narrow Airways and OSA
Poor Posture
Spine and Joint Pain
Poor Athletics and Frequent Injury
Anxieties, Depressions, Addictions
Repeating Life Patterns / Stagnation
Compensated Breathing
Healthy Tensegrity
Healthy / Attractive Body and Face
Aligned Teeth, Bite, and Jaws
Open Nose and Throat Airway
Upright posture
Aligned Spine and Joints
Strong athletics and resilience
Clearer Perception and Mood
New Life Patterns and Flow
Whole Body Breathing
Good tension is built through exercise and meditation
Bad tension is released through exercise and meditation

The Main Exercise and Meditation is Breathing.

Complex Explanation of WBB
Whole Body Breathing (WBB)
Whole Body Breathing is an advanced method of breath awareness which unlocks your proprioception of the pressurized fascial tensegrity system which makes up your body. This is a psychosomatic experience, as the body and mind are not separate, and the tension patterns in the body are reflections of Egoic tension and trauma known as Samkoca.
Please review the disclaimer before proceeding with Modules 1-3
2.1 Introduction to Whole Body Breathing
Initiation into the Whole Body Breathing Practice. You will be able to feel your breathing in a wider area of your body and begin to use it for probing your psychosomatic form. The Mind-Body connection becomes clear, and your proprioception deepens.

Quick Intro Series

20 Minute Overview
Video preview
Physical Correction (9 Minutes)
Video preview
Emotional Release Breathing ( 5 Minutes)
Video preview
Internal Chemistry and Systems
The internal chemistry of the body is affected by the breathing, and the breathing in turn affects the chemistry of the body. This goes into influencing the function of all of the organ and fluid systems of the body as well.
Esoteric Elements
Whole Body Breathing does overlap with theories like Chakras, Qi Gong, Chi, Shamanic Armouring, Hatha / Many Yogic Disciplines, Energy Work, Reiki, Law of Attraction, Advaita Vedanta, Taoism and more.

Quick Start Routines


Long Form Introductions:

3 Day Seminar
Module 2: Psychosomatics and Energy
Go deeper into how your physical, mental, and spiritual bodies reflect each other. As Above, So Below.  Connect with the ancient and esoteric knowledge that has been passed down through the ages and turn it into your living experience. In this module, connections that have been previously established will deepen further.
Module 2: Psychosomatics
Module 2: Esoteric WBB
Module 3: CORE Physical Corrections + Internal Chemistry and Systems
Previously known as WBB C.O.R.E. training. Correction of the Reticulating Elements of the body. The practices in this section have been built and discovered over years to deepen your experience of the connections through the whole body. You will learn about the seven diaphragms and the force transfer lines of the tensegrity structure which create your form with every inhale.
The internal chemistry of the body and breath are interrelated/interlocked/inseparable. In working on one we are working on the other, the chemistry and neurological signalling of the body affecting the breath and vice-versa. The organ and fluid systems of the body are also part of this equation, driven and influenced by the breath.
Module 3: CORE / Physical Corrections
Multiple Diaphragm Model
Hard Outer, Soft Inner
CranioSacral Theory
The Breath Drives the Craniosacral Rythme
Karan’s Scans
Video preview
Guided Intense SOMA Session
Video preview
Deep Proprioception Awakening
Video preview
Skull Suture Fusion
Video preview
Deep Mewing and Jaw Development
Video preview

Section 3: Project Praxis

Section 3: Public Praxis
This section is for the development of a movement which will bring the collapse/treatment discussion into the mainstream, develop awareness of practices which are harmful to development, creating/funding research into causes and treatments (and of a correct working model of the body/posture/breathing/movement), organizing groups and campaigns etc. If you would like to get involved in the project, this is certainly the place to do so.
Ways to Help/Get Involved


Internal pages