The owners, staff, and users of this website are not engaged in rendering medical or mental health services to the individual reader. Do not use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licensed healthcare providers. Do not begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licensed medical supervision.
Whole Body Breathing cannot be fundamentally separated from Yoga. In the Patanjali Sutras, the first line is “atha yoga anushasanam” [Now, the teaching of Yoga Begins] - this implies a theshold over which the reader is passing. It also implies a base of qualification that the reader has somehow accumilated prior to now. If this is your first encounter with such teachings, understand that this information is not simply another addition to your knowledge set or life, this information and practice becomes the fundamentals of your life and must be regarded with appropriate reverence and respect. This is self-respect and self-care warning - this information will eventually establish a stability and peacefulness within your life, but it is also best to intially approach these practices during times/situations of stability. Bringing yourself to stability in body and mind, with good habits and healthy patterns, before diving into this information will speed your growth and make the ride less bumpy. You should also handle your outside circumstances to a reasonable point, ensuring that you have the peace and stability needed to go on a deep and encompassing journey inwards. This journey itself will eventually stabalize you in the highest possible way, but you must understand that this process necessarily shakes you to the depth of your being and that you should make sure that you continously afford yourself the best possible circumstances internally and externally to deal with this disruption and shaking. Please see the resources for stability both as a good starting point before beginning and as a continual resource for centering yourself.
Resources for Stability