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Resources for Stability

When undergoing Yogic / Energetic practices, your life can be shaken up on many levels. The following are some minimum recomendations to maintain physical and mental stability:
  1. Have less processed food and begin to eat a diet which leaves you feeling healthier
  1. Exercise and build physical strength/endurance/flexability
  1. Have in-person social interaction
  1. Get sunlight and fresh air, and spend time in nature
  1. Consciously lower or eliminate the amount of sexual, violent, or toxic content you consume
  1. Consciously lower or eliminate the amount of intoxicating substance you consume
  1. Consciously lower any obsessive/compulsive behaviors and reactions you have
  1. Establish a safe and silent place where you can spend alone time when necessary
  1. Understand that caring for yourself will directly translate to caring for others
  1. Add spiritual teachings to your daily consumption habits
And perhaps above all, faith and understand that you are OK. You are the immortal soul, and the wisdom has always stated that the student will only hear what they are meant to hear/at the level they are meant to hear. All things are perfect, you are doing perfectly fine, there is not a single grain of sand or spec of dust in the universe which is out of place/moving without the will of God. If this seems strange or foreign to you, the teachings below will help explain both the logic of this understanding as well as the practical steps to make it your lived experience. If these teachings are familiar to you, you must continue to listen and implement and familiarize yourself with them until they are the fundamental core of your life experience.

This is not unscientific or illogical. The philsophy espoused here and in all great teachings is a logical analysis of existence and is a view-point/perspective which can be succesfully debated against any philosophy or worldview. It is accompanied by scientific (ie repeatable independent observation) methods from which this viewpoint can be embodied.
Recommended spiritual teachings
This is a non-exhaustive list of teachings and teachers which, when embibed deeply and consistently over time, can help bring you to a place of witness-consciousness where you can observe your body+mind+emotions with some distance and make appropriate/responsible choices from that distance.

Inner Engineering Program (Paid)
Vedanta Society of New York/Swami Sarvapriyananda
YouTube Channel
Samaneri Jayasāra - Wisdom of the Masters
YouTube Channel
Recomended Googling, Listening, Reading
Sri Ramana Maharishi
Recomended Commentary: Tom Das
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Bhagavad Gita
Recomended Commentaries: Swami Sarvapriyananda and Swami Mukundananda